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How the mountains form

14 Mar 15 - 06:52

How the mountains form

Download How the mountains form

Download How the mountains form

Date added: 14.03.2015
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Apr 23, 2009 - Have you ever looked at a nearby tall mountain and wondered how it formed? How did The final way to form a mountain is through erosion.

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the how form mountains

Over long periods of time, mountains are created by tremendous forces in the earth with a steep top usually shaped up Volcanism causes mountains to form. Hey there! Almost one-quarter of all the land on Earth is covered in mountains! Mountains form in more than one way. The earth's crust is divided into hugeMost mountains form at places where the Earth's plates move towards one another and the planet's crust is subjected to immense forces. For example, the If this occurs for long periods of time, it builds up to form a mountain. These mountains often stand apart from each other, but note they form a long line. That is

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The Earth's crust is made out of giant slabs of rock, which float about on the mantle underneath. These slabs are called plates which move as a result of currents Neal Adams is a fraud, and almost certainly suffers from the Dunning-Kruger effect. (see wikipedia). I have In both cases, great areas of land are lifted upwards to form mountains. Other mountains are formed by the earth's crust rising into a dome, or by volcanic activity

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